Lister Lh 150 Gearbox Manual

Hi there just had a baptism of fire today trying to fix a customersengine gremlins. After five hours tracked the problem down to thehydraulic gearbox. Basically when the box is in neutral, the engineruns fine, full rev range and smooth response. But I cannot turn theprop by hand and it seems to be locked tight. With the gearbox ineither ahead or astern the revs die right down and the engine laboursas if trying to pull the dock wall off. Oh and there is a very delayedresponse to the throttle.I have tracked the problem down to the reduction box on the stern end,what is this likely to be?I have not worked on this before and would really like to find out thecause and remedy.Thouroughly checked fuel system and bled through, all fine no leaks.Stern gland not over tight and not hot.Your help would be greatly appreciated.Oh and i am looking for a parts and manuals supplier for these in theMidlandscheersTowpath engineering Services. Manual for box (but not reduction box) from the Dutch Manual Link on mywebsite (address below)I trust you have physically inspected the prop to ensure it is not fouled -those symptoms scream fouled prop.This box uses hydraulic pressure for reverse and neutral.
Ahead is obtainedby no pressure, so if you try to turn anything with the engine stationarythe box will appear to be seized. There is a triangular plate, facingbackwards, held on with three bolts, plus a centre bolt on the gearbox.Gently screw a setscrew (5/16UNF I think, but check) in until you haveforced the ahead piston just far enough forward to release the ahead coneclutch. DO NOT OVERTIGHTENSomething odd is going on, I would have suspected a brake band or coneclutch lining misplaced, but that should give a gear with the box inneutral.From memory of 30 years - so I might well be wrong - the reduction box usesdouble helical gears so there should be no end thrust problems. But Isuppose a bearing could be breaking up and simply jamming, however I wouldhave expected the customer to complain about noise unless it has beengradually getting worse.It could also be band or clutch adjustment, but download the manual to seehow that is done.I know you say you have narrowed it down to the reduction box, but unlessyou have taken it off I do not see how so unless I get more details I stillfeel it is most likely to be a box faultI trust this is of some help.Tony Hi there just had a baptism of fire today trying to fix a customersengine gremlins. After five hours tracked the problem down to thehydraulic gearbox. Basically when the box is in neutral, the engineruns fine, full rev range and smooth response.
But I cannot turn theprop by hand and it seems to be locked tight. With the gearbox ineither ahead or astern the revs die right down and the engine laboursas if trying to pull the dock wall off. Oh and there is a very delayedresponse to the throttle.I have tracked the problem down to the reduction box on the stern end,what is this likely to be?I have not worked on this before and would really like to find out thecause and remedy.Thouroughly checked fuel system and bled through, all fine no leaks.Stern gland not over tight and not hot.Your help would be greatly appreciated.Oh and i am looking for a parts and manuals supplier for these in theMidlandscheersTowpath engineering Services. This box uses hydraulic pressure for reverse and neutral.
Ahead is obtainedby no pressure, so if you try to turn anything with the engine stationarythe box will appear to be seized.Which is, it's worth noting, a flippin' pain when you get an inflatableboat wrapped around your propellor.That was one of those hireboat experiences that afects how you have yourown boat built. In our case - not one of these gearboxes.Tony knows more about this than most of us put together, and his thoughtabout the prop makes me wonder - I do think it's worth checking that -say - the alignement hasn't shifted jamming the prop. Gently screw a setscrew (5/16UNF I think, but check) in until you haveforced the ahead piston just far enough forward to release the ahead coneclutch.
DO NOT OVERTIGHTENSomething odd is going on, I would have suspected a brake band or coneclutch lining misplaced, but that should give a gear with the box inneutral.From memory of 30 years - so I might well be wrong - the reduction box usesdouble helical gears so there should be no end thrust problems. But Isuppose a bearing could be breaking up and simply jamming, however I wouldhave expected the customer to complain about noise unless it has beengradually getting worse.I have got the basic Lister Instruction Manual in front of me. Yourmemoryis correct regarding the reduction gears Tony! There appears littleto go wrong with the reduction box. The input shaft has a bearing atthe back and the output shaft has a bearing at both ends.
Apart fromthe woodroof keys there are a few (thrust?) washers, circlips andsplit pins and that is about it.This manual also shows how to disengage the ahead clutch on the LH150by removing one screw and temporarly replacing it with another screwin the gearbox.Just a layman's suggestion, but wouldn't it be worth disconnecting theprop shaft from the coupling at the back of the reduction box?It would then be possible to check for free rotation of the prop shaftand you could then run the engine and check for engagement ofthe gears without the shaft connected? At the same time you willbe able to check for correct alignment.Phil. Manual for box (but not reduction box) from the Dutch Manual Link on mywebsite (address below)I trust you have physically inspected the prop to ensure it is notfouled - those symptoms scream fouled prop.This box uses hydraulic pressure for reverse and neutral. Ahead isobtained by no pressure, so if you try to turn anything with the enginestationary the box will appear to be seized. There is a triangular plate,facing backwards, held on with three bolts, plus a centre bolt on thegearbox.
Gently screw a setscrew (5/16UNF I think, but check) in until youhave forced the ahead piston just far enough forward to release the aheadcone clutch. DO NOT OVERTIGHTENThe manual suggests that you remove the centre bolt, and replace it with oneof the (longer) bolts from the gearbox top plate:-). I have tracked the problem down to the reduction box on the stern end,what is this likely to be?The reduction box is bolted onto the back of the reversing box, and is aseparate unit. I assume it's got oil in it?
IIRC, the reverse box has adipstick, and the reduction box's dipstick is incorporated into the filler,(a large brass bolt on top of the box). The box is fairly solid engineering,and it should be possible to remove the reduction box on its own, assumingthe prop shaft can move back a bit. Hi there just had a baptism of fire today trying to fix a customersengine gremlins. After five hours tracked the problem down to thehydraulic gearbox. Basically when the box is in neutral, the engineruns fine, full rev range and smooth response.
New blue fx free download keygen. But I cannot turn theprop by hand and it seems to be locked tight. With the gearbox ineither ahead or astern the revs die right down and the engine laboursas if trying to pull the dock wall off.
Lister Lh 150 Gearbox Manual Free
Lister Petter Diesel Engine Identification Lister Petter Diesel Engines IdentificationImages shown below are by no means a definitive guide as to the identification of Listerdiesel engines, but show general ranges in certain specifications. Almost all Lister and Lister-Petterengines were produced in numerous guises and specifications, with differing engine rotations, power take offs and ancillaries, all of which can lead to different appearances of the same engine model.