Building Settlement Marker Installation Wizard
So I am going to run a nation game based on my experience with the Little World games, however I am still not 100% on the direction it will go in some areas. So right now taking suggestions and interest for the most part. Images included to give an idea of both my inspirations and the feel and themes I am going for. A thousand years have passed since the collapse of human civilization. Climate Change and Global Warfare combined to destroy not just the great nations that spanned the globe, but the environment itself.
The world become a ball of water with land all but vanishing entirely for the past 1000 years. Some humans made their homes in space on the space stations, moon station and Mars colony. However their lives were hard and none returned to earth for fear of being trapped alone in a desolate wasteland. Humans however found a way to survive. By merging ships and debris together they created floating cities, salvaging what they could from the shallower waters that were once mountain ranges they managed to maintain a relatively decent amount of technology. Now however a patch of land has been sighted. Not just any land either, but as the waters receded they have exposed an ancient mega-city, yet to be plundered and with enough room to support the rebirth of civilization.
Settlers from many of the floating cities and pirate fleets have landed, vying for control over the ruins. The society that collapsed was a PL7 society, on the cusp of PL8. However what has survived is a PL5 society.
This means players can start with equipment up to PL6 without any restraints from myself. PL7, PL8 and maybe the odd smattering of PL9 gear will be found in scavenging operations as the game runs.
Humanity has changed rapidly in it's time on and in the oceans. Two distinct groups have appeared on earth, with two more in space. The earth-humans are split between the 'swimmers' and the 'flyers'. The flying humans see themselves as an elite species, better adapted to gliding across the endless oceans. Some among them have been known to even enslave the swimming humans.
Swimmers argue that their aquatic adaptations make them much better suited to a water world, and indeed they are able to dive deeper and obtain better salvage. The two groups in space are firstly, humans who remained true to form, living on the space stations, shielded from radiation and with a measure of gravity the changes to their forms were purely cosmetic.
The second group are the space-station-dwellers who have not only adapted their bodies to the harshness of space but have excelled at maintaining both technology and their minds. These three races are the only ones that can be selected at game start and only one group may choose to be Stationers landing on Earth. FX classes are limited, groups will need to research them as the game progresses to unlock classes for themselves. Only Stationers may select the Telepath Advanced class from the start.
No other FX classes are available. Stationers may chose to start as a Bioreplica instead of a human. Note though that the Stationer people will treat you as a tool and a second class citizen which will make it difficult to be a community leader. Starting Occupation choices: Swimmers and Flyers: Adventurer, Athlete, Blue Collar, Creative, Criminal, Doctor, Drifter, Emergency Services, Law Enforcement, Military, Outcast, Rural, Scavenger, Transporter, Technician. Some communities may allow Heir.
Stationers: Academic, Astronaut Trainee, Colonist, Dilettante, Doctor, Emergency Services, Investigative, Law Enforcement, Military, Religious, Student, Technician, White Collar Wealth uses the Apocalypse TU system. All characters may determine their starting wealth level as normal (2D4+Wealth bonuses. Character auto-pass level gain for wealth, so simply add your level -1 to your wealth total. Then roll 4D10 and add your wealth.
2. Stationers may purchase starting equipment/weapons etc at a base of PL7, but will be limited like everyone else to PL5 or scavenged material once the game begins. Earth groups can purchase as PL5.
The apocalypse book is a post PL4 world for the gear in it. You may purchase equipment from that book, but if you want someone more advanced we can work out the TU as we go.
Characters will form groups of 4-6 to build a new faction. 6 is required to be running a floating city or pirate fleet.
4 is the minimum to form a new colony in the ruined city. Players will be community 'leaders', either socially or literally. Players may decide the structure of their community and the role they play within it. Players from Earth may form alliances/rivalries before the game starts. So get a team together!
Groups less than 4 may be formed, however you will only start with yourselves, effectively starting as mercenaries/wandering hero types. All settlements will see you as outsiders. All players will start at level 6 and only earn feats from that point on. Templates can be earned later in the game to gain certain features etc.
And will be event and achievement driven. 32 point buy for ability scores. Fields of Blood rules will need to be completely readapted in parts. However to begin with everyone is a Nomad. Populations are very limited but development works differently. Production is in TUs only.
Settlements produce a base of 100 TU, modified only by buildings and size of the settlement. In order to increase the size of a settlement you will need to expend 500 TUs plus 1 Population point.
Population points can only be gained by 'convincing' populations to leave another settlement and to join yours. So in order to increase your settlement, you will need to decrease other settlements by persuasion or force. If the game runs long enough populations might be allowed to grow a single point each by birth rate. Some events may also result in a single settlement increasing in population.
Floating Nomadic Fleets.must. move at least 1 distance per game turn.
Their fleets are never stationary. However at the same time they may (because they must) move any time of a year. Fleets are moved semi-randomly. The Fleet controller selects a destination. A random adjustment is rolled and the fleet will move to a position averaged between the two.
Fleets can never collide with another fleet or land. Colony settlements must expend 100 TUs per level of population to move and can only move during Spring - though they may move more than once.
Settlements can only move a distance of 5 minus their level. So to that end, here are two new settlement types. Floating Nomadic Fleet. Size Production Cost modifier Camp 0.1 NA - Cannot found new settlements Base 0.3 x1 Thorpe 0.5 x2 Village 1 x4 Small Town 1.5 x6 Town 2 x8 Large Town 3 x12 All Ruins Colonies will begin at Camps only. All Floating Nomadic Fleets will begin at Fleet.
Players - except for the Stationers - may 'purchase' new population points before the game begins at 1000TU each. All player groups will start with a pool of 1400TUs and may add more TUs from their characters to increase that number. Population points can be stored for later use (assume they are en route or something). Buildings will be selected and modified as we go into development.
However expect a more XCOM/XCOM2 like feel to building settlements, especially for fleets who have slots limited by their size. As everyone will be Nomadic only Governing Style is relevant when building a settlement.
We might work out more options for that at some point so that players can tailor and fine tune their society toward different goals more easily. Designing units is simplified.
Units now only consist of 10 individuals or 4 for the Flyers. Equipment is not purchased, instead to create a unit you must 10 (or 4) sets of the exact same equipment on hand in order to train a regular or elite unit. Unit costs are divided by 10 and then converted 1:1 to TUs. Max units rule is in effect.
All settlements can only recruit and maintain a number of units equal to twice their number of population points. Over-mustering is not permitted. More changes to templates etc. May be made at some point to reflect better modern warfare and tactics. Combat will only be at the FoB level with at least 3 units total are involved in a battle involving 2 or more sides.
Else it would be a straight up 10x10 fight which can be worked out on the D20 Modern level. Subtypes and Unit Feat are scrapped and units will be able to be sent on Scavenging missions.
This will not only trigger scavenging rolls as per the Apocalypse book, but will take care of unit upkeep costs as per the Scout book. However Scavenging units will frequently trigger encounters and hazards. In order to Scavenge on the oceans suitable equipment is required (usually water-proof mecha or being able to swim indefinitely). The ruined mega city will feature an extensive volume of structure to explore, so you shouldn't ever run out of scavenging options. I will modify this as we work things out, and add a Q&A here (which will be later copied over to an OOC thread). We can sort out a Discord Channel as well at some point, which might be used as the mode for submitting turns etc.
Originally posted by:Yes it becomes a management game with your settlement, sleeping bags for them to sleep there water electricity and food, I have the tower up and now have 8 residents you must click on them and allocate them jobs to do I am struggling to get them above 3 food I cant find plants that you can grow. Needs a Wiki. You can go to DIamond city and nab some mutfruit and tatos. THer'es also Abernathy farm which is closer, you can grab melons and tatos from there to grow in your own settlement. Just be sure to assign settlers to the plants or else they won't grow. Originally posted by:Yes it becomes a management game with your settlement, sleeping bags for them to sleep there water electricity and food, I have the tower up and now have 8 residents you must click on them and allocate them jobs to do I am struggling to get them above 3 food I cant find plants that you can grow.
Needs a Wiki. Just go exploring, I was in the same place as you, needed more farming stuff. So I was exploring and foudn 2-3 farms and just took all the tomatoes/corn and what ever else. If you are missing something just go explore for awhile (and don't forget to put the marker on what resources you are tryign to hunt down). I just planhted 12 gardens when I got back to santuary after some exploring, now have food at like 15 or 18 or something like that.
Also you don't have to assign anyone to work on the gardens. Originally posted by:you need to setup/build everything yourself. I don't think they build anything.
They(settlers) can only either assigned to work the field or guard. With rank two of local leader you can set up shop stalls and that'll bring in traders so you can make caps based on your population size, with the first rank you have more roles than just guard and farmer, you can make some of them into provisioners which will run supplies to other settlements. Im on my way there.
Level 13 atm. It need level 14 for the second rank perk.
Building Settlement Marker Installation Wizard Download
Im almost there. Cant wait to see how it all works.:). Dont bother with settlements too much untill they actually give us a UI that can be used for it like a work allocation ui which say you have 10 settlers 4 slots for farming 3 slots for guard 1 for scavenging 2 for trading and then allocate them accordingly now you must run nilly willy try and find the unamed settlers click them and run over to whatever you want them to work on and HOPE that they werent assigned to something else which there is NO indicator of them being. A simple name change on them would do SOOO MUCH like farmer scavenger merchant guard etc.